[openbox] Re: OB panel and side main menu

Hanni Ali hanni.ali at gmail.com
Tue Dec 13 12:57:25 EST 2005

I use pypanel too it's got style.

But do you know what the system monitor that looks so good on the screenshot



I had simmilar problems with obconf couldn't understand why everything i did
di nothing? plus the close button didn't work did you find that?  i also use


On 13/12/05, mfitzgib <mfitzgib at simla.colostate.edu> wrote:
> >> I just installed ob, is there a panel for it or is fbpanel one of the
> >> solutions?
> Personally, I wasn't too fond of fbpanel when I tried it. I ended up using
> pypanel, which I love.
> >> How do i activate the main menu to come up when i click on either side
> >> of the screen as in blackbox?
> Don't know if there's a way to do this directly (but someone else might
> know
> better). I use control-right-click to bring mine up. Here's the mouse
> binding
> from ~/.config/openbox/rc.xml:
>      <mousebind button="C-Right" action="Press">
>       <action name="ShowMenu"><menu>root-menu</menu></action>
>     </mousebind>
> >I meant to say ob 3.2-7, i used obconf for the dock (left/vertical) but
> >still on certain screens it doesn't work.
> I'm not quite sure what you mean by 'on certain screens it doesn't work',
> but
> I did have a problem on my Gentoo system where obconf just wouldn't
> respond
> (wouldn't write anything to my config, wouldn't exit, sort of like the
> person
> who wrote it only made the GUI, without making it do anything) and I never
> really figured out why. I've since made that box command line only (its a
> server anyway), and I've never had any similar problems on my Ubuntu box.
> But
> a little more description of the problem wouldn't go amiss.
> Slainte,
> Matthew
> Please no HTML, images, attachments > 1MB, or annoying forwards.
> If you HAVE to send me those things, tell me first, and I'll tell you
> exactly where to send them (not here). Thanks.

E-mail: hanni.ali at gmail.com
Mobile: 07985580147
Website: www.ainkaboot.co.uk
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