[openbox] n00b questions

Neil Bird neil at fnxweb.com
Wed Apr 20 10:46:20 EDT 2005

Around about 20/04/05 14:27, Mikael Magnusson typed ...
 > [Button8]
> This should work, and as ob says, something has already grabbed button 
> 8. Have you tried binding it somewhere else, like on titlebars or 
> something?

   I hadn't but now have.  Most odd.  The following:

<mousebind button="Button8" action="Press">
   <action name="ShowMenu"><menu>client-list-menu</menu></action>

   ... is ignored in the "Desktop" context (but a subsequent Button2 
version works).  Doing more tests, Buttno6 is also ignored.  Hmm.

   However, if I move that def. to "Frame", and click over a window ... 
it /does/ work.  Seems to be just the Desktop it has an issue with. 
I'll have more of a play.  I'm wondering whether I'm falling foul of a 
'named' button mapping (like "up") somehow thinking it's button 8.

 > [extra keyboard keys]
> Again, yes. Try putting the keycode in hex like this, key="0xfa" or 
> such. Be sure to put the keycode, not the keysym. Xev also lists the 
> keycode in decimal so you need to convert yourself.

   More oddness.  Yes, thanks, that works (0xNN instead of keysym name). 
  I found, though, that /one/ of my bindings (using "XF86Support") 
*does* work as-is.  I'll leave that as an odditiy of my work box, as, 
checking, it seems to work fine on my home box.

> You can turn off the menu jumping and/or the mouse cursor autowarping
> <menu>
>   <warpPointer>no</warpPointer>
>   <xorStyle>no</xorStyle>
> (better name for the second one wanted)

   Excellent, that helps.  Is that only listed inthe ChangeLog?  What's 
'xorStyle' do?

 > [menu delay]
> I've actually thought about this recently, so it has a good chance of 
> happening I think.

   I don't mind getting my hands dirty;  may take a while to learn my 
way around the code enough, though.

> You can bind a key+mouse to drag anywhere on the window and set 9 corner 
> mode instead of four corner, and you will get what you want.
> <resize>
>   <fourCorner>no</fourCorner>

   That's it;  thanks.

   Am I being dense here:  are all these wonderful options actually 
listed anywhere other than the code?  Not that I'd be averse to that, I 
just hadn't thought to!

   I'll stop asking stupid questions, now :-)

   Thanks for a decent WM.

[neil at fnx ~]# rm -f .signature
[neil at fnx ~]# ls -l .signature
ls: .signature: No such file or directory
[neil at fnx ~]# exit

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