[openbox] Wish list

Ed Murphy emurphy42 at gmail.com
Sun Sep 19 18:05:13 EDT 2004

On Sun, 19 Sep 2004 18:07:33 +0930, Tim Riley <tr at slackzone.org> wrote:

> I am sure that Mikael will consider the implementation of these features
> when you send in the patches.

Oh dear, a challenge.  I've never done any non-toy C programming,
but there's always a first time...

Here's my first (untested) pass at the dockapp ordering issue.  (This
has already done me some good-- I didn't realize that you can move a
dockapp via alt+click+drag.)  Criticism so far?

[dock.c, excerpt]

void dock_add(Window win, XWMHints *wmhints)
    ObDockApp *app;
    XWindowAttributes attrib;
    gchar **data;
    /* EWM 09/19/04 begin */
    GList *it, it_order;
    gboolean inserted;
    gint position1, position2;
    /* EWM 09/19/04 end */

    app = g_new0(ObDockApp, 1);
    app->obwin.type = Window_DockApp;
    app->win = win;
    app->icon_win = (wmhints->flags & IconWindowHint) ?
        wmhints->icon_window : win;

    if (PROP_GETSS(app->win, wm_class, locale, &data)) {
        if (data[0]) {
            app->name = g_strdup(data[0]);
            if (data[1])
                app->class = g_strdup(data[1]);

    if (app->name == NULL) app->name = g_strdup("");
    if (app->class == NULL) app->class = g_strdup("");
    if (XGetWindowAttributes(ob_display, app->icon_win, &attrib)) {
        app->w = attrib.width;
        app->h = attrib.height;
    } else {
        app->w = app->h = 64;

    /* EWM 09/19/04 begin */
    /* dock->dock_apps = g_list_append(dock->dock_apps, app); */
    inserted = FALSE;
    /* README begin temporary code - this list should be parsed from
       theme.rc at startup */
    it_order = NULL;
    g_list_append(it_order, "wmxmms");
    g_list_append(it_order, "wmcube");
    g_list_append(it_order, "wmnet");
    g_list_append(it_order, "wmclock");
    g_list_append(it_order, "wmuptime");
    g_list_append(it_order, "Temperature");
    g_list_append(it_order, "wmMoonClock");
    /* README end temporary code */
    position1 = g_list_position(it_order, app->name);
    if (position1 > -1)
        for (it = dock->dock_apps; it; it = g_list_next(it)) {
            position2 = g_list_position(it_order, it->data[0]);
            if (position2 > position1) {
                dock->dock_apps =
g_list_insert_before(dock->dock_apps, it, app);
                inserted = TRUE;
    if (!inserted)
        dock->dock_apps = g_list_append(dock->dock_apps, app);
    /* EWM 09/19/04 end */

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