Ideas with recursive filesystem browsing pipe menu?
dircha at
Mon May 17 01:57:11 EDT 2004
Hello list,
Can anyone think of something interesting we could do with a recursive
filesystem browsing pipe menu?
I just threw the together the attached script one evening as a proof of
concept of this.
Directories become sub-pipe menus Symlinks and files are static entries
just now.
One idea I had was to make files into submenus as well with an "edit"
and "see" link and then use some environment mime information to launch
the appropriate application for that file.
Symlinks should probably just be resolved into their respective files
and directories.
An application independent recently used files list might be useful as
well. Filter for certain useful document types and watch with dnotify.
Or maybe just run the appropriate ls and sort per invocation on user
specified directories.
I run a fairly bare X environment: no GNOME or KDE environment or
applications, mostly xterms. So it seemed to me that something along
these lines might be useful.
Menu entry:
<menu id="mime_browse_menu" label="mime_browse" execute="browse ~" />
~/bin/browse perl script is attached as "browse".
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