[openbox] Pager (or DesktopUp functionality)

Adam Kessel adam at rosi-kessel.org
Sun Jun 13 09:55:32 EDT 2004

On Sun, 2004-06-13 at 09:44, M.Zdila/EpiSoftware Ltd. wrote:
> > 2. rox-pager with wmswallow does what you want
> I've tried wmswallow. Yes, it has docked the rox-pager window, but the 
> pager hasn't resized to fit all its contents into that docked window. So 
> the result is that I see rox-pager docked, but only its left upper 
> corner :-(

I think I had this same problem:


I think I added the following line to main.c in pager:

gtk_widget_set_size_request(toplevel, 95, 100);

(at the end, right before gtk_widget_show_all)

Use whatever geometry you want it to open at.

I believe that was necessary to avoid the problem.  There's probably a
more elegant solution.
Adam Kessel

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