[openbox] Skipping Windows in ALT-TAB Task List?

tim hall tech at glastonburymusic.org.uk
Fri Jun 11 22:02:09 EDT 2004

Last Friday 11 June 2004 21:35, Adam Kessel was like:
> Actually, xdpyinfo is in xbase-clients, and devilspie is at least in
> Debian unstable (soon to be released as sarge).  The only tool that is
> not in Debian at all is wmctrl.  I'm a Debian developer and will consider
> packaging wmctrl, but I wonder if it wouldn't be better included in one
> of the existing packages--maybe with Openbox?

Thanks for this clarification Adam. Openbox really suits a Debian system. It's 
understandable that people who don't use the Debian packaging system won't 
care about these issues. If you were to package up wmctrl, I guarantee you 
will make at least one person happy ;-)

The great thing about running a GNU system with a WM like openbox is that you 
_can_ set it up the way you want it. I upgrade my system (testing) about once 
a week, purely because I'm curious. I have a nice balance of nearly 
up-to-dateness and almost-stability and I'm not even going to start trying to 
persuade anyone else to do the same ;-)


tim hall

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