[openbox] Swap Windows Between Screens in Xinerama Mode

John Russell drjimmy42 at yahoo.com
Tue Jun 8 12:49:55 EDT 2004

I use this when I undock my laptop.  It is kind of a sledge hammer, but 
it works. THe grep statements are to have it not move things that I want 
to be left alone.  Have fun



function move-window-left ()
     wmctrl -i -r "$1" -e 0,0,-1,-1,-1

for WIN in `wmctrl -l | grep -v "Task" | grep -v xbatt | grep -v 
gDesklets | awk
  '{print $1}'` ; do
     move-window-left $WIN

Adam Kessel wrote:
> Is there any easy way to bind a keystroke to the action of swapping all
> the contents of one screen with all the contents of the other screen in
> Xinerama mode (or pseudo-Xinerama mode, which I'm using, but is
> apparently the same as Xinerama mode for the purposes of the window
> manager)?
> Moving a window from one screen to the other is a bit awkward now: I
> need to unmaximize it, drag it over to the right (or left), and then
> remaximize it.  Swapping takes even more navigation.
> I imagine this is a common need of Xinerama users since typically one
> display is more "primary" or central than the other.

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