Per-workspace wallpaper impossible?
Holly Bostick
motub at
Mon Jun 7 11:31:10 EDT 2004
Hello, all,
I've looked through the archives, but have found no mention of this, so
here's my "problem"--
I'm using Openbox 3.2 under Gentoo. I really really love it (never
thought any WM could get me away from GNOME, but you guys did-- thanks!)
I've got everything working pretty well, with pypanel and gkrellm and a
couple of dock apps. I'm trying to get per-workspace wallpaper without
I have tried wmsetbg, fluxspace and rox --pinboard.
wmsetbg works, but the -w switch does not work, so I can use it to set a
global background but not an individual one.
fluxspace flatly does not seem to run.
Rox --pinboard does seem to run (since the background color becomes
light gray, which I believe is the default), but seems unable to
actually find the wallpaper files I have specified. I don't really want
to use Rox anyway.
I suspect this may have something to do with how OB considers
workspaces/desktops differently than the DE's that these wallpaper tools
are designed for (WindowMaker, fluxbox and rox-filer), but I don't know
enough to know if that's the case. And I must say, the documentation for
both OB3 and these tools is a bit on the sparse side.
The other possiblility I see is that I have to configure the "original"
DE of the tool to the same specifications as Openbox in some way (I
suspect this because wmsetbg tells me that it can't find the workspace
I'm specifying, whether I use numbers or the name of the OB desktop,
which is not the same as the name of the WM desktop with the same
number), but I have no idea how to do this.
So what's the deal? Is per-workspace wallpaper simply not possible under
OB3, or have I misconfigured something?
Thanks for any help; specific commands and configurations used available
on request :) .
Holly Bostick
Oosterhout, Netherlands
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