[openbox] expose for openbox?

Miek Gieben miekg at atoom.net
Tue Feb 3 04:38:37 EST 2004

[On 03 Feb, @01:04, Peter wrote in "Re: [openbox] expose for openb ..."]
> expose is an alternative to alt-tab window switching. in fact it does
> the equivalent of spreading documents on the desktop in way, so they are
> all visible, be it scaled down, to fit the 17, 19, 20" or whatever.
> F9 key is too far off for a right handed person (left hand covering only
> keys up to F5 (as someone who's typing with 10 fingers) and right hand
> being constantly switched between keyboard and mouse).
> other than that its top on ergonomix and easy of use.

expocity maps it to alt-tab, which makes sense when I read this explanation.

(but I really don't like expocity/metacity with all their artificial

Regards, Miek

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