[openbox] Run on startup

Lutz Schönemann lutz.schoenemann at sit.fraunhofer.de
Fri Dec 10 10:23:16 EST 2004

Couldn't I use a dynamic path like this:

Then every user would be able to specify his own apps to run on startup. 
Do you know a documentation of the rc.xml file?


Holly Bostick wrote:
> Lutz Schönemann wrote:
>> This is a nice solution but then a ~/obstart.sh file has to be in 
>> every homedir.
> No it doesn't. It could be anyplace you want; I just use my home 
> directory because I'm the only user, and that's easier for me.
> No reason why it couldn't be in /etc/X11/dm/Sessions, /usr/bin, or 
> wherever. The only issue is if different users want to start different 
> programs, but in that case you'd have to write multiple scripts anyway, 
> unless you used a session manager in combination with Openbox (in which 
> case, it might be easier to just use ROX and Openbox together, or GNOME 
> or KDE with Openbox, for that matter), replacing the WM under those DEs 
> with OB (all three of them allow this).
> Holly
>> Holly Bostick wrote:
>>> Lutz Schönemann wrote:
>>>> Does this work also with gdm? Is there no other way with a specific 
>>>> config file of openbox (i.e. rc.xml)?
>>> Not exactly-- gdm doesn't use  ~/.xinitrc. So I use a separate script 
>>> (~/obstart.sh), and edit the openbox.desktop file in 
>>> /etc/X11/dm/Sessions to point to it.
>>> As follows-- openbox.desktop is actually just a text file, but can't 
>>> be opened from the file manager; open a root text editor and open it 
>>> from there.
>>> You should see something like:
>>> [Desktop Entry]
>>> Encoding=UTF-8
>>> Name=Openbox
>>> Comment=Openbox
>>> TryExec=/usr/X11R6/bin/startopenbox
>>> Exec=/etc/X11/xdm/Xsession Openbox
>>> Icon=
>>> Type=Application
>>> I would then change the Exec= line to point to my script. 
>>> ~/obstart.sh, so the desktop entry now looks like this:
>>> [Desktop Entry]
>>> Encoding=UTF-8
>>> Name=Openbox
>>> Comment=Openbox
>>> TryExec=/usr/X11R6/bin/startopenbox
>>> Exec=/home/username/obstart.sh
>>> Icon=
>>> Type=Application
>>> Save this and exit.
>>> The obstart.sh script itself looks like this:
>>> #!/bin/bash
>>> export LANG="nl_NL at euro"
>>> devilspie &
>>> numlockx &
>>> feh --bg-scale /usr/share/backgrounds/0106_1024.jpg &
>>> /usr/libexec/gnome-settings-daemon &
>>> feh --bg-scale /usr/share/backgrounds/flower.png &
>>> LinNeighborhood -m &
>>> (sleep 15 &&  gnome-panel) &
>>> multi-gnome-terminal &
>>> (sleep 20 && thunderbird) &
>>> (sleep 25 && firefox) &
>>> (sleep 120 && krusader) &
>>> #(sleep 125 && korn) &
>>> #(sleep 40 && gnome-terminal --window-with-profile=boinc) &
>>> exec openbox
>>> When I select openbox from the GDM menu, the script is run, starting 
>>> all of the programs I want and then Openbox.
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Holly
>>>> Jesper Noehr wrote:
>>>>> Put 'em in ~/.xinitrc as such:
>>>>> mmkeys &
>>>>> xmms &
>>>>> exec openbox
>>>>> On fre, 2004-12-10 at 14:30 +0000, Lutz Schönemann wrote:
>>>>>> How can I configure Openbox to run some apps when it starts up? 
>>>>>> Fluxbox
>>>>>> has a file called startup where you can place some commands that 
>>>>>> should
>>>>>> be executed on startup. Someone can help me?
>>>>>> Thnx

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