[openbox] New theme: "Snow Falcon"

David Templer david.templer at virgin.net
Sat Aug 21 12:21:27 EDT 2004

tim hall wrote:

>Last Friday 20 August 2004 14:19, John Russell was like:
>>It is, and I know this is going to sound really lame, but sometimes
>>I'm just reading something on a web page or a spec or something,
>>scrolling with the mouse, and.... here's the lame part... resting my
>>head on my left hand in the age old posture of laziness/boredom/large
>>heavy headed people everywhere.   This actually caused me to go out
>>and get the mouse gesture package for firefox, which is great for the
>>headleaning web browsing crowd.
>>Anyway, where this is all going, is.... the whole point of keyboard
>>shortcuts is to not have to   move your hands off the mouse when
>>you're typing.  
>I always type with the mouse on both feet !:]
>>On the other hand, if your hand is only on the mouse, 
>>going back to the keyboard is just as bad.  All this leads me to
>>liking themes with big buttons so I find them easily.
>Seriously, The whole point is that you should be able to set up your desktop 
>environment so that it's right for whatever habits or limitations you have 
>(within reason). Because I used to use Windows, I always use a NLISMC button 
>order - it means I don't have to 'find' the buttons even if they do display 
>small, I know where they are - exactly where I put them to comply with my 
>muscles' memory.
>Your Mouse Mileage May Vary.
>tim hall
I agree with Tim but I would like some different icons...

Any ideas for a good Theme..... ????

Dave T..

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