[openbox] license change

Ben Jansens ben at orodu.net
Mon May 19 12:09:21 EDT 2003

On Mon, May 19, 2003 at 05:56:14PM +0200, Roman Neuhauser wrote:
> I don't want to start a flamefest (really!), but are really *all*
> remnants of blackbox code gone? Has someone made sure there's no
> copyright violation?

License != copyright.. however, there is no blackbox code in there. There
will of course be similarities in some places, but there is no copying.

> BTW, what was the pressing reason to change the license?

Beacuse I don't agree with the BSD license, and because it limits linking
with other GPL libs, and using code from other GPL apps. Also because it
limits other GPL apps frmo benefitting from my code.

p.s. blackbox was half code from windowmakaer anyways, which was GPL'd, so
go figure. (okay, bit of exageration here:)

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