[openbox] Xft2 font encoding

Scott Moynes smoynes at nerdnest.org
Fri Jul 18 09:40:18 EDT 2003

* Ben Jansens (ben at orodu.net) wrote:
> I messed up when I did the XFT support in the themes by providing no
> way to specify stuff like encoding. Scott provided a new method of
> specifying the font that did allow for this, but I don't know what
> version it appeared in, or if it is in the latest release or
> not. Scott?

The new font defintion stuff is in the 2_3 branch, so it should be in
the 2.3.1 release.
You'll have to look up how to specify the encoding in an XFT font
string. I assume it is something
like *.font: sans-serif:encoding=ISObummy-1
Scott Moynes http://www.icculus.org/openbox/
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