font problem wiith openbox 2.2.3

Thomas Piechocki piechoc at
Sat Jan 11 08:07:21 EST 2003

I have discovered Openbox at the search for a windowmanager with xinerama 
support. I compiled and installed it and I am really enthusiastic about it. 
But I have a problem with the fonts which I cannot solve alone. I use Openbox 
2.2.3 under Debian Sid  with the kicker panel of KDE 3.1rc6. Xft2 and all the 
common truetype-fonts are in addition installed. My system is localized for 
german with euro-support (de_DE iso8859-15).

1) In priniciple Openbox shows 'umlauts' in the title bar of KDE applications 
wrongly, namely as a number of special signs. If I submit the 'umlauts' as 
file name from a xterm (e.g. 'gvim test-äöü.txt') the 'umlauts' in the title 
bar are shown correctly.

2) Openbox doesn't react to changes of the fonts in the style configuration 
files. Neither the desired font nor the desired size is shown correctly. 
Instead of this one a rather small roman font (with serifes) is shown (for 
every style).
And it seems rather unimportant whether Openbox was compiled with or without 
xft-support. The fonts are a little bigger and without serifes with xft and 
antialias, though).

There is none of the problems just mentioned with Fluxbox (compiled with 
xft-support too) or Blackbox so that I think that there nothing is wrong with 
my xft2 configuration. 

Every hint or help of you Openbox specialists is highly appreciated. Probably 
I haven't paid attention to only a small thing. Many thanks in advance. 


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