strange behavior of epist

Guido 'lenix' Boehm lenix at
Tue Oct 8 15:39:19 EDT 2002

Hi everyone,

would like to say hello to the mailinglist 'cause i just subscribed,
and report a problem i'm just recognized while using openbox +
epist. i'll paste here what i just wrote down in #openbox:

> i have some bindings together with my mod1 key, mod1+left for example
> to cycle to my next window
> sometimes epic 'blocks' my left key although mod1 isn't pressed
> same thing with mod1+down, which is happening right now. if i'm in a
> term (aterm has focus) and press up or down it behaves as if the 
> key-event was just grapped by bbkeys (cursor goes to 'terminal-window
> unfocused' look once but returns to 'focused' look immediatly
> afterwards)

i'll include my epistrc + ./openbox/rc + .Xmodmap with this email.

additional info:
  <lenix at lenix ~> epist -version
  epist - shipped with openbox 2.2.0
  <lenix at lenix ~> X -version
  XFree86 Version 3.3.6 / X Window System
  <lenix at lenix ~> uname
  <lenix at lenix ~> uname -srpn
  FreeBSD 4.7-RC i386
  <lenix at lenix ~> aterm -version
  aterm version 0.4.0 from 02 July 00

oh, and it really looks like an epist-issue because if i kill
epist everything works fine again, but if i start epist after-
wards the keys are blocked again. restarting X (and openbox+
epist of course) fixes the problem. it seems to occur random,
but i'll check if i can find any special events.

regards, lenix
fon: +49 - 173 - 80 99 196

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