epist better than bbkeys BUT....

cnerone at freemail.it cnerone at freemail.it
Sun Nov 10 17:22:24 EST 2002

...but I think would be very usefull the feature similar to bbkeys to show
window names in the center of the screen when we strike the "nextwindow" or
"previouswindow" key. If we set stackedcycling option we have a similar thing
but on bottom toolbar that can be not shown because a windows is over it (i.e.:
a maximized window, or a window moved down or a fullscreen window like galeon
fullscreen (by this function the screen is full of it and no other things).


P.S.: I think is very usefull the showRootMenu keyfunction. 

E-Mail: cnerone at freemail.it
Date: 10-Nov-2002
Time: 23:14:28

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