Automated bots filling server

Nathan P. natedog550 at
Thu Sep 30 10:32:53 EDT 2004

I have a friend who has a clan and their server is being slammed with
automated bots.  They fill the server and their pings are 999.  The peeps
that are doing this to them are from the mygot clan.  These guys go around
doing this stuff all the time - they don't play the games they just crash
servers lol.

Neways....anyone have any ideas?  They are patched to the latest mohaa linux
server builds.  I thought about trying to right a script to counteract this
some how using tcp queries to check for this but haven't gotten around to it
- that may not even be possible.  

These guys are nailing them big time and no one can play on their server.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.



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