Password protection to client connections

nimgil at nimgil at
Tue Nov 5 19:58:00 EST 2002

Greettings to everybody on the list, 

Sorry if the question is stupid for MOHAA experienced server admins, but I have 
my server up and running, and appearing in gamespy. I set also a rcon password 
to manege it remotely.

But the problem is that I can't protect the server to allow only password 
protected connections... I have tried... well there goes my config, with the 
tried options commented...

sv_hostname "Nimgil Server"
Admin "Nimgil"
g_motd "Welcome to Nimgil's server"
seta rconpassword "mypassword"
//seta password "test"
//password "test"
//seta sv_privatepassword "test"
//seta g_password "test"
//g_password "test"
seta sv_privateclients 2
sv_maxclients "16"
g_gametype 2
sv_minping "0"
sv_pure 1
sv_floodProtect 1
sv_maxping "400"
g_teamdamage "0"
sv_gamespy "1"
g_inactiveSpectate "120"
g_inactiveKick "300"
sv_maxrate 9000
sv_allowDownload 0
timelimit "15"
fraglimit "0"
net_niopx 1
net_port 12203
sv_maplist "dm/mohdm1 dm/mohdm2 dm/mohdm3 dm/mohdm5 dm/mohdm4 dm/mohdm6   
map dm/mohdm1

The rcon password works well, but the server doesn't reject password when i 
connect to it as a client. I have tried before and after setting the 
rconpassword, and always lets me in.

The server is to be used as a clan server, so I need to be password protected 

If it matters, I'm using a 2.2.16 kernel on a debian woody...

What I'm doing wrong?

Thanks in advance,

Pedro Pablo aka Nimgil

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