[lugaru] [PATCH] Cross Compiling for Windows in Linux

Pontos daemonpontos at gmail.com
Tue May 18 00:19:03 EDT 2010

Hi all.
This patch here should hopefully enable cross compiling using Mingw32 in 
Linux (To test this I used my own compilation of Mingw32 4.5.0 and not a 
premade package).
I tested it having all the required shared libraries inside the Mingw32 
folder so cmake did not try to use the available stuff in the 
Dependencies folder (Save for OpenGL and OpenAL headers which are forced).
The main problem was the missing option "-Wl,--enable-auto-import" when 
linking the exe with C++. The rest was simply fixing the path of two 
Hope it works for others as well :)

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