[Gtkradiant] gtkradiant first RPM

bebo_sudo bebo.sudo at gmail.com
Fri Jun 8 17:53:10 EDT 2012

First of all a couple of answers:
there are different version of gtkradiant? 64 and 32bit?
I don't think it's a good idea to compile gtkradiant as root user, as i 
can see with the "debian package", but i think every user should compile 
it in his personal home..something like this 

I don't really understand what you would say because i never used amazon 
aws, RS & co. and i don't know what are those. The "debian packages" are 
guidelines to make standard packages for all distros? or what..


Il 08/06/2012 22:36, Timothee Besset ha scritto:
> Hello bedo_sudo
> Thanks for your interest in providing rpms for GtkRadiant. We would 
> like to support rpm distribution of our official binaries in the long 
> term. However, we are taking the 'compile once, package for multiple 
> distributions' approach.
> If you don't mind, please read through 
> http://ttimo.typepad.com/blog/2012/05/compiling-gtkradiant-binaries-for-windows-and-linux-using-amazon-aws-and-rightscale.html 
> and consider contributing an extra step in the packaging to produce an 
> rpm?
> It probably doesn't need to be done with a RS script, it could just be 
> an additional target for the scons command. We have a similar task to 
> support creating Debian packages: 
> https://github.com/TTimo/GtkRadiant/issues/12#issuecomment-5488588
> Best,
> TTimo
> On Fri, Jun 8, 2012 at 3:30 PM, bebo_sudo <bebo.sudo at gmail.com 
> <mailto:bebo.sudo at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     Hello everybody,
>     I'm bebo_sudo, a fedora linux happy user. I'm Italian, so don't
>     worry if my english sucks :)
>     I tried to make an rpm for my system and other rpm-system based.
>     In my rpm I take the source from git repo, i made the first scons
>     setup (scons target=setup) and i package it into a tar.gz; later i
>     put this source into a gtkradiant system folder
>     (/usr/share/gtkradiant).
>     When the user launch the script it checks if exists already a
>     .gtkradiant folder in the user home and ask to the user if install
>     the program or not.
>     All the data that could interest to you are uploaded here
>     (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/hrgkjhbwme4s77t/6Aab0kBcjy), and here
>     there is the rpm for fedora16
>     (https://www.dropbox.com/sh/8p290vysy3ock5g/oTUbZfzFM0).
>     I'd be very pleased if you get me a feedback if you appreciate my
>     work ;)
>     Thank you for your work, regards.
>     bebo_sudo
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