[Gtkradiant] q3map2 "pthread_join failed", -threads > 1, Ubuntu 64 bit

Nerius Landys nlandys at gmail.com
Fri Nov 12 12:54:14 CST 2010

Hi.  I am the author of this tutorial which explains how to use ZeroRadiant
on Debian-based Linux: http://daffy.nerius.com/radiant/ .
The tutorial applies to games other than Urban Terror, but uses Urban Terror
as an example.

Recently, I have been getting several people from Europe emailing me
regarding various issues with ZeroRadiant.
I guess this both good and bad; it's good because people are actually using
my tutorial, even for games other than UrT.
Two days ago, I installed VirtualBox on my Debian Squeeze system.  This is
my first time using a virtual machine.  Wow,
it's so great to be able to install any version of Linux and test things
like ZeroRadiant on these.

So far, I have tested my tutorial with two new systems that I had not
previously tested.  Ubuntu 10.04 and Ubuntu 10.10, using both
i386 and amd64.  I have run into "issues" when running ZeroRadiant on the 64
bit flavors of these operating systems.  I have
"issues" in quotes because I'm not sure whether it's a problem in Radiant or
a problem in Ubuntu.

The issue that happens on 64 bit Ubuntus is described here:
http://daffy.nerius.com/radiant/#appx-ubu-q3map2 .
In short, q3map2 fails when -threads is greater than one.

I worry a little bit when I see that no SVN commits to ZeroRadiant have
happened in the past year.  I might volunteer to look
into this pthread issue with q3map2, but if I manage to find a fix, will my
patch be committed?

Or does anyone already know what the problem and/or fix are?  I do mention a
workaround in my tutorial.
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