[Gtkradiant] GtkRadiant doesn't load entities.def

Forest Hale lordhavoc at ghdigital.com
Sun Nov 2 01:44:10 CDT 2008

Make sure that quake3 folder contains a folder named baseq3, with the scripts folder inside baseq3.

The directory structure of id tech games is quite specific about having subdirectories for each mod (and the base game).

jonas.th at web.de wrote:
> Hi all,
> I am trying to setup a quake 3 arena mapping environment with GtkRadiant 1.5 on Linux x86 without actually having quake 3 (I am using the files shipped with the downloadable GtkRadiant 1.5 source package). Textures and stuff work fine, but GtkRadiant doesn't load the entities.def file (no error message or anything in the console window).
> My q3.game file is located at games/q3.game relative to the executable dir and contains:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" standalone="yes"?>
> <game
>   name="Quake III Arena"
>   enginepath_linux="/home/jonas/d/GtkRadiant/install/games/quake3"
>   basegame="/home/jonas/d/GtkRadiant/install/games/quake3"
>   basegamename="Quake III Arena"
>   knowngame="missionpack"
>   shaderpath="scripts"
>   archivetypes="pk3"
>   texturetypes="tga png jpg"
>   modeltypes="md3 obj 3ds"
>   maptypes="mapq3"
>   shaders="quake3"
>   entityclass="quake3"
>   entityclasstype="def"
>   entities="quake3"
>   brushtypes="quake3"
>   patchtypes="quake3"
>   gametools="/home/jonas/d/GtkRadiant/install/games/"
>   gamename="quake3"
> />
> The directory /home/jonas/d/GtkRadiant/install/games/quake3/ is the baseq3 dir and contains the scripts-folder, texture folder etc etc and one copy of entities.def is directly in this "baseq3" dir, another one is in the subdir "scripts" between all those shader files at /home/jonas/d/GtkRadiant/install/games/quake3/scripts/entities.def
> However, GtkRadiant doesn't care about any of those two copies and doesn't load the file. I can open up the pseudo-Q3 mapping environment without any error messages and it shows all textures out of /home/jonas/d/GtkRadiant/install/games/quake3/textures and everything, it's just the entities not being loaded.
> Sadly, also google didn't enlighten me. Can you help?
> Thank you very much
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Author of DarkPlaces Quake1 engine and mod
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