[Gtkradiant] Analyzing the mapq3 parser & some suggestions

namespace spam at codecreator.net
Sun Mar 18 06:08:18 CDT 2007

I vote for trac too, I've used it for a couple of projects now and it payed 

> One thing I notices or might have missed is how do you get the u,v scaling 
> of the shaders for patches? 
> I have searched the code a little and you don t seem save any scaling values
> is that correct? 
Patchtexturescaling is done by the "Set..." button in the surfacedialog.
Its behavior equals the "Fit" operation for normal brushes.
Radiant has a special surfaceinspector just for patches,
press shift + s to spawn it.

Btw, the old wiki can still be reached under:

www.codecreator.net | GPG: 0xD4DB516D
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