[Gtkradiant] Analyzing the mapq3 parser & some suggestions

Jorge Peña jorgepblank at gmail.com
Wed Mar 14 19:41:05 CDT 2007

Haha, how about a message board for GtkRadiant in general? I think having a
'central' one would be great, we could use it for GtkRadiant help,
development, and whatever else we want. But as it seems now, it looks like
we're kinda broke on a lot of things; no wiki, etc. etc., so I too think
that the mailing lists should suffice, as long as we get the spam fixed

On 3/14/07, namespace <spam at codecreator.net> wrote:
> Am Mittwoch, 14. März 2007 16:46 schrieb Eduard Aumüller:
> > 1.)  Why don t you at least add a //! blah blah infront of each class
> > declaration so doxygen can generate the complete class hierarchy.
> Ask the former devs.
> 99% of radiants code is very old (dates back to 1.1 times) or
> got rewritten by Spog for 1.5. My contribrutions are mostly fixes and
> smaller
> improvements. The only bigger source-chunk from me is the brushexport
> plugin which was never intended for public release in the first place but
> was
> published because of popular demand.
> > 3.) Also what happened to the GTKRadiant wiki? Maybe setup on at
> wikipedia?
> It was taken offline after it got spammed. According to TTimo its not
> completly lost and will be back online after a server switch.
> > 2.) How about adding a picture code to the bugsubmission form, this spam
> is
> > really annoying
> I hate that spam too, however I don't have admistration privileges to fix
> that. I guess we have to wait for the serverswitch.
> > 4.) A message board for developers would be very nice too^^
> Developers? Right now there is just me and LordHavoc.
> The mailing list is sufficent imho.
> namespace
> --
> www.codecreator.net | GPG: 0xD4DB516D
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