[Gtkradiant] GtkR OSX

Timothee Besset timo at qeradiant.com
Wed Sep 29 07:16:42 CDT 2004

That file is probably still in the SVN repository / 1.4 branch. I don't
have any ETA for setting those up again, I think the time would be better
spent putting 1.5 together on OSX..


On Wed, 29 Sep 2004 07:09:36 -0500
Jonathan Valdez <jlvneo at mac.com> wrote:

> Yeah, I recently put a new hard drive in and wanted to install radiant 
> again. I used the binary then I made my game pack again. When I compile 
> the textures do NOT come out aligned or to fit that I had them. I never 
> had this problem in Radian 1.4. So i went to compile all of it again 
> and, OH no! The place to download the radiant-1.4.0.info (something 
> like that) gave me a 404 saying that it suffered a crash and the file 
> is probably no more. LOL, Just wondering if you have a backup of the 
> file? 

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