[Gtkradiant] GTKRadiant Bug Report
Sat, 4 Sep 2004 23:04:47 -0500 (CDT)
This bug report was submitted from using the Bug Report Submission Form on the QERadiant Website at 11:04:47 CDT Sep 4, 2004.
CPU/RAM/Operating System: AMD XP2800, 1.5 GB DDR 333, WINDOWS XP SP2
Hard Drive Space: 2 HDDS (80 GB, 250 GB ) 55 GB free on c:\ 170 GB free on d:\
Video Card/OpenGL Drivers: Hercules prophet radeon 9800 pro
Version of GTKRadiant: 1.5.0 build 08-17
Qkeradiant closes after run. no error message.
Cause of Error:
1.- Open Qkeradiant, chose game doom III
2.- go to preferences, set the mode 3 panelview ( 3 views and 1 rendered view ). ( restarted the qkeradiant to then have this panelview mode )
4.- start qkeradiant again, doom III game, and then on preferences. doom III engine settings in preferences is d:\program files\doom3\ wich is the default option..changed where my game is wich is c:\archivos de programa\doom3\
after the settings are done, the textures are loaded.
I can work but the build menu is NOT working, so I restart the Qkeradiant and now the map editor crashes everytime it loads after chosing the game you want to create maps for.
(ask me for screenshots if you need proof about this )
User Email: liu@prodigy.net.mx