[Gtkradiant] using radiant with another engine
Timothee Besset
Tue, 14 Oct 2003 09:22:11 +0200
GtkRadiant is not a 'gnu' release. It is open source, covered by Id's
Licensing. It is free for non-commercial use, but commercial use will
require a specific Licensing deal with Id software for the editing tools.
Email me directly if you want more information.
On Mon, 13 Oct 2003 18:02:29 -0700
Mike Wuetherick <mike@gekidodesigns.com> wrote:
> hey all,
> i've been lurking for a while now, and have a few questions regarding
> usage of this editor with other game engines.
> is the editor a true 'gnu' release? meaning that we can use it for
> commercial and non-commercial products?
> basically, we have been developing our own open-source game engine for
> the past few years, we have our own editors which do the trick, but
> having an active development community of the size that this editor
> seems to have would greatly simplify our development process - the
> editor always seems to be a step behind the rest of the game engine.
> one of our developers is currently creating a qeradiant compatible
> entity configuration to start experimenting with this editor, but i'm
> worried that we will run into legal issues with the commercial uses of
> the editor (ie we bundle and sell retail commercial copies, commercial
> support, etc and at least a few developers are making commercial games
> with the engine) similar to issues related to using the quakeII source
> in commercial games, that type of thing.
> we do have our own bsp format, so we'd have to create our own
> stand-alone compile & vis tools (currently they are integrated into our
> editor), but that's about the only issue technically i can see for us to
> migrate usage over to this editor.
> any insights or info is greatly appreciated.
> thanx in advance,
> cheers
> mike w
> www.gekidodesigns.com
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