[Gtkradiant] Re: hl.qer

Timothee Besset gtkradiant@zerowing.idsoftware.com
Fri, 2 May 2003 10:21:38 +0200

Hydra was initially supposed to take over the HL stuff on qeradiant.com

That part is very outdated anyway, and should simply be taken down for
now. We don't wish to spend effort on other HL mapping tools such as WC
and Hammer now that we have HL support in GtkR 1.3

See with Hydra then..


On Wed, 30 Apr 2003 08:48:23 -0700 (PDT)
Edward Gonter <ebak47@yahoo.com> wrote:

> what would I have to do to be Tiger's successor?  I know alot about Worldcraft and the like.                                      Andy G. 
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