[Gtkradiant] GTKRadiant Bug Report
Wed, 26 Mar 2003 18:24:36 -0600
This bug report was submitted from using the Bug Report Submission Form on the QERadiant Website at 06:24:35 CST Mar 26, 2003.
CPU/RAM/Operating System: 512 2100+ athlon
Hard Drive Space: 120gig
Video Card/OpenGL Drivers: geforce 4 mx 440
Version of GTKRadiant: 1.1.12
--- BSP ---
Creating meta surfaces from brush faces
Appending _bsp suffix to misc_model shaders (SOF2)
0 shaderInfo
--- LoadMapFile ---
Loading map file D:/sof2/base/maps/autosave.map
entering D:/sof2/base/maps/autosave.map
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/colombia/old/new_big_rock
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/colombia/ladder_wood
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/tools/_ladder_wood
WARNING: Couldn't find image for shader textures/tools/_nodraw_water_two
9 total world brushes
0 detail brushes
0 patches
0 boxbevels
0 edgebevels
2 entities
34 planes
0 areaportals
Size: -192, 0, 0 to 192, 192, 192
############### model 0 ###############
block size = { 1024 1024 1024 }
--- PatchMapDrawSurfs ---
--- FaceBSP ---
54 faces
55 leafs
--- MakeTreePortals ---
0 tiny portals
0 bad portals
--- FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree ---
9 structural brushes
75 cluster references
--- FloodEntities ---
5 flooded leafs
--- FillOutside ---
40 solid leafs
10 leafs filled
5 inside leafs
--- CullSides ---
39 hidden faces culled
0 coincident faces culled
--- ClipSidesIntoTree ---
--- FaceBSP ---
16 faces
20 leafs
--- MakeTreePortals ---
0 tiny portals
0 bad portals
--- FilterStructuralBrushesIntoTree ---
9 structural brushes
34 cluster references
--- NumberClusters ---
5 visclusters
7 visportals
22 solidfaces
--- WritePortalFile ---
writing D:/sof2/base/maps/autosave.prt
--- FloodAreas ---
1 areas
--- AddTriangleModels ---
--- FilterDetailBrushesIntoTree ---
0 detail brushes
0 cluster references
----- FogDrawsurfs -----
0 fogs
0 fog polygon fragments
0 fog patch fragments
0 fogged drawsurfs
--- SubdivideFaceSurfaces ---
--- FixTJunctions ---
22 axial edge lines
0 non-axial edge lines
0 degenerate edges
0 verts added for tjunctions
36 total verts
9 naturally ordered
0 rotated orders
0 can't order
0 broken (degenerate) surfaces removed
--- ClassifyEntitySurfaces ---
--- TidyEntitySurfaces ---
0 empty or malformed surfaces deleted
--- MakeEntityMetaTriangles ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8... (0)
9 total meta surfaces
9 stripped surfaces
0 fanned surfaces
0 patch meta surfaces
36 meta verts
18 meta triangles
--- TidyEntitySurfaces ---
9 empty or malformed surfaces deleted
--- SmoothMetaTriangles ---
No smoothing angles specified, aborting
--- MergeMetaTriangles ---
0...1...2...3...4...5...6...7...8...9...10... (0)
9 surfaces merged
36 vertexes merged
--- FilterDrawsurfsIntoTree ---
27 references
9 (9) emitted drawsurfs
9 stripped face surfaces
0 fanned face surfaces
0 surface models generated
0 SURFACE_BAD surfaces
0 SURFACE_FACE surfaces
0 SURFACE_PATCH surfaces
0 SURFACE_FLARE surfaces
9 SURFACE_META surfaces
42 redundant indexes supressed, saving 0 Kbytes
--- FixBrushSides ---
--- EndModel ---
--- WriteSurfaceExtraFile ---
Writing D:/sof2/base/maps/autosave.srf
Writing D:/sof2/base/maps/autosave.bsp
0 seconds elapsed
Connection closed.
Cause of Error:
None havent a clue, some reason all textures tools load fine looks nice in map but when compiling my code or map it cant find textures?
User Email: liquadia@network24.fslife.co.uk