[Gtkradiant] GTKRadiant Bug Report
Wed, 19 Feb 2003 11:44:01 -0600
This bug report was submitted from using the Bug Report Submission Form on the QERadiant Website at 11:44:01 CST Feb 19, 2003.
CPU/RAM/Operating System: AMD 1.0 ghz, 1024meg ram, winXP
Hard Drive Space: 80 gig
Video Card/OpenGL Drivers: nvidia geforce v7700, latest asus and detonator drivers
Version of GTKRadiant: 1.2.12
I installed the update for Radiant to upgrade to 1.2.12, and it worked fine at first, but now I get an error on loading...
WARNING: keyboard shortcuts init, no menu item found for command: "CenterXYView"
and I don't know if that is the error that causes the problem, but now all my windows only display 1/4 of their normal area. In other words, the windows are the same size as usual, but the grid and my map are only shown in the upper left hand corner of each window, the rest is cut off and I just get empty grey space.
If I left-click and drag to move the area around, it clears up and everything is displayed, but as soon as I zoom in or out, use a menu item, or anything, it goes back to 1/4.
Everything else works fine and it doesn't crash.
I used the sample shortcuts.ini to see if this fixed it, but it did not.
Cause of Error:
This happens immediately upon loading GTKRadiant 1.2.12. It did not happen in 1.2.11
User Email: james_clement@videotron.ca