[Gtkradiant] Re: GtkRadiant/Setup patches

Timothee Besset gtkradiant@zerowing.idsoftware.com
Tue, 8 Jan 2002 09:53:22 +0100

Thanks, this looks like an interesting step towards linux setup for the
1.2.* versions. I will add the comments and the patches to the
corresponding bug item in the tracker for now:

I am a busy man, so it's better if you email the GtkRadiant list or append
stuff to the bug tracker (otherwise I might miss them, or look at the mail
very late). Gef Davis is pretty much on top of the linux setup issues
right now, since he contributed some fixes himself already.


On 08 Jan 2002 01:06:40 +0100
Michael Schlueter <michael@johalla.de> wrote:

> Hi TTimo,
> as already announced on the mailinglist I'll try to help with the linux
> port. To make it easier to configure the components (games/*.game) I
> patched the loki-setup-program to create another environmentvariable
> called SETUP_COMP_PATH (basepath) when scrips are executed. So we can
> start a script for each componente.
> (from my setup.xml:
>   <<<GTKRAD_MEDIA_BEGIN>>component name="WMedia" install="yes"
> version="<<GTKRAD_VERSION>>" prompt_path="yes"
> prompt_default="/usr/local/games/wolfenstein/" prompt_msg="Enter the
> path to your wolfenstein installation">  
>    <option install="true">
>      Wolfenstein editing media
>      <help>
>        Extra media files for creating Wolfenstein maps
>      </help>
>      <files>
>        main
>      </files>
>      <script>
>          # A script to finish the configuration
>          sh setup.data/edit-postinst.sh wolf "Return To Castle
> Wolfenstein" $*
>      </script>
>   </option>
> )
> Bye, Michael
> -- 
> Michael Schlueter,Rheinische Strasse 91,44137
> Dortmund,0231-7275720,Germany
> Mails: michael@johalla.de schlue@debian.org
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