[Gtkradiant] FreeBSD port progress

Lyndon Griffin gtkradiant@zerowing.idsoftware.com
Thu, 08 Aug 2002 22:53:07 -0400

I now have a seemingly working setup, and am in progress testing it now.  
For those that are interested, please download the bins from the following 


The basics:  there are three files in the tarball.  I place "setup" in 
GtkRadiant/setup/linux/setup.data/bin/FreeBSD/x86/setup.  I place 
"setup.gtk" in GtkRadiant/setup/linux/setup.data/bin/FreeBSD/x86/glibc-2.1/. 
I haven't placed "uninstall" yet.  I run GtkRadiant/setup/linux/setup.sh and 
it just magically works.  Oh, one more thing, you need the "setup.xml" file 
from the setup/image/setup.data/ (note this is the /setup tree in CVS, not 
the GtkRadiant tree) to live in GtkRadiant/setup/linux/setup.data/ 
(customize the XML appropriately, of course). 

I will probably be putting patches for these in bugzilla, unless TTimo 
thinks it's a bad idear - I kinda get the feeling that the setup/ tree is 
abandoned, or at least not kept up as fervently as the GtkRadiant tree. 

Feel free to ask me any q's personally by email (lyndon@bsd4us.org) or on 

<:)  Lyndon aka farenheit