[Gtkradiant] Re: Gtkradiant digest, Vol 1 #566 - 8 msgs

Arnout van Meer gtkradiant@zerowing.idsoftware.com
Tue, 6 Aug 2002 23:12:02 +0100

*cough* region compiles *cough*

(in a slightly modified way of course)

- Arnout

-----Original Message-----
From: gtkradiant-admin@zerowing.idsoftware.com
[mailto:gtkradiant-admin@zerowing.idsoftware.com] On Behalf Of ydnar
Sent: 06 August 2002 20:55
To: gtkradiant@zerowing.idsoftware.com
Subject: Re: [Gtkradiant] Re: Gtkradiant digest, Vol 1 #566 - 8 msgs

A selective recompile is difficult due to the order of operations in the
lighting stage, but a regioned light compile is entirely possible. It
could be an argument to Q3Map that specifies a bounding box (supplied by
Radiant, probably).


----- Original Message -----
From: "Tig" <tigger@onemoremonkey.com>
To: <gtkradiant@zerowing.idsoftware.com>
Cc: <ydnar@shaderlab.com>
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 12:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Gtkradiant] Re: Gtkradiant digest, Vol 1 #566 - 8 msgs

| The -fast option in ydnar's q3map is pretty damn fast. If there was 
| some way to compile a lightmap for a region that a user was working on

| (even waiting 30 seconds or so) would be much better than the current 
| option of compile and test in game.
| It would only be a guide to what the lights would look like but still 
| be pretty cool.
| On Tue, 6 Aug 2002 10:36:24 -0700
| "ydnar" <ydnar@shaderlab.com> wrote:
| > It recalculates the lightmaps on the fly after light 
| > positions/values changed, but without shadows. Tim Sweeney mentioned

| > something about UnrealEd's lighting algorithm and it sounded like 
| > VLight.
| >
| > Bert: Rendering static lightmaps in Radiant would be the goal, so 
| > yes, a lighting compile would be necessary.
| >
| > y
| >
| <snip>
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