[cod] 1.3 servers being told not to report?

escapedturkey escapedturkey at escapedturkey.com
Thu Apr 16 06:14:07 EDT 2009

I run the following scripts, with qstat, to see if a server is alive or 
not (along with a CPU monitoring script). Is the COD WaW master telling 
servers not to report or run if they run version 1.3?

Thank you. :)


hour=`date +%H`
if [ "$hour" = "04" ];
exit 0
cd /home
ls -1p|grep /|grep -v install|cut -d "/" -f1 > serverstatususers
for user in `cat serverstatususers`
su - $user -c "cd && /usr/bin/serverstatus.bsh -f config &"
rm -f /home/serverstatususers
exit $?


# Who to e-mail when a process is killed.

contact="escapedturkey at escapedturkey.com"

# Define location of appending log file.


# Game Server variables. Add or delete variable lines here.  Only those 
listed will be parsed.
ServerVars=(	"username"
         "remote_directory"  )

# Usage or help file.
   echo "USAGE: $0 -f serverfile.cfg [ -c cronfile ] "
   echo "       -f server.cfg    : Specify a valid server config file to 
use. This option is Required!"
   echo "       -c crontab.file  : Optional- Load a specific crontab 
file to use.  "
   echo "       e.g.  $0 -f myconfig.cfg   loads myconfig.cfg only"
   echo "    	     $0 -f other.cfg -c mycron.cron   loads other.cfg and 
installs a new crontab from mycron.cron file"
   echo " "
   exit 1

# Parse the config file.  This will only read in variables defined in 
   #echo "Parsing Config file $configfile"
   if [ -e $tmp1 ]; then rm $tmp1; fi
   for X in ${ServerVars[@]}
     # load configs into a tmp file, ignore everything else
     grep "^$X" $configfile >> $tmp1

   # check if config is empty; no vars found in source file
   # source it if OK
   if [ -s $tmp1 ]; then
     . $tmp1
     rm $tmp1
     echo "* No Valid config variables found in $configfile!!"
     echo "exiting.... "
     exit 1

# Load crontab file.  If there are any errors, the proggy should exit
   crontab $cronfile > $tmp2 2>&1
   test -s $tmp2
   if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
     echo "* Error: Invalid crontab file!"
     cat $tmp2
     rm $tmp2
     echo "exiting...."
     exit 1
   rm $tmp2


# check for correct # of args
if [ $# -lt 2 ]; then usage; fi

# Check first arg
case "$1" in
   -f) if [ ! -s $2 -o ! -f $2 ]; then
  	echo "* Invalid server config filename $2!"
	echo " "
    *) usage

# Is there a second arg? then Check second arg

if [ $# -eq 4 ]; then
   case "$3" in
     -c) if [ "$4" = "NULL" ]; then
         elif [ -z $4 -o ! -s $4 -o ! -f $4 ]; then
	  echo "*Invalid crontab filename $4!"
	  echo " "
      *) usage

# Runs Server

case "$server_exec" in
    "q3ded" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "ioq3ded.i386" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "oa_ded.i386" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "smokinguns_dedicated.x86" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "ioUrTded.i386" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -cods $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -jk3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -jk3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -jk3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -jk3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -maqs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -maqs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -maqs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -maqs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -sof2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -sof2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -rws $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -rws $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -woets $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -woets $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "iostvefded-1.34.i386" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -efs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -efs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "iostvefded-1.37.i386" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -efs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -efs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "linuxstvefded_1.2-static" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -efs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -efs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "wopded.i386" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -gs4 $server_ip:6500 | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -gs4 $server_ip:6500 | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "nexuiz-linux-x86_64-dedicated" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -nexuizs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print 

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -nexuizs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print 

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "nexuiz-linux-686-dedicated" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -nexuizs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print 

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -nexuizs $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print 

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -warsows $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print 

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -warsows $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print 

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -a2s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -dm3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -dm3s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "preyded.x86" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -preys $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -preys $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "q4ded.x86" )
cpupid=(`ps ux | grep -v grep | grep $server_exec | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ -z "$cpupid" ]; then

exit 0


status1=(`qstat -old -R -q4s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $2}'`)

if [ "$status1" = "DOWN" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0


status2=(`qstat -old -R -q4s $server_ip:$server_port | awk '{print $3}'`)

if [ "$status2" = "response" ]; then

# Logs killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 >> $archive

# E-mail killed process

top -c -b -n 1 | grep "$cpupid" | grep -v grep | head -n 1 | mail -s 
"Excessive CPU Process killed at $HOSTNAME" $contact

# Kill the process

kill -9 $cpupid

exit 0

    "etqwded.x86" )
# get qstat svn
exit 0

exit 0

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