[cod] help me :(

Gary Balliet geekofalltrades at shaw.ca
Mon Nov 24 02:35:28 EST 2003

James Kreuziger wrote:

> I can vouch for having the same sort of problem Nathan. I can get a 
> Linux server running, I just
> can’t connect to it. I get the dreaded “Awaiting CD key authorization” 
> message. I’ve even opened
> up the server as the DMZ host on the router. No dice.
> Funny thing. I can setup a dedicated server on my Win XP box, not have 
> to open up a SINGLE port
> On my router OR on ZoneAlarm, and it works fine. I setup a MOHAA 
> server on the Linux box tonight
> and had absolutely zero problems. I’d like to get the Linux CoD server 
> running, even if it was just on my LAN.
> Even that doesn’t work.
> -Jim
> -----Original Message-----
> *From:* Nathan Peters [mailto:natedog550 at hotmail.com]
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 23, 2003 4:20 PM
> *To:* cod at icculus.org
> *Subject:* Re: [cod] help me :(
> I've got somethin' sorta similiar. I got my server to run finally. It 
> says that it resolved to my external ip:20510 and also to 20500. But 
> when i try to connect to it internally it waits for CD authorization 
> and never connects. And for the heck of it i went into the internet 
> listed servers and it showed up. So i connected to it but it just sat 
> there. And it gave the ip:-1989 But it never talked about cd 
> authorization. And -1989 , what's up with that number? Neways, I 
> opened up the 20510 and 20500 and 28960 on my router but it still 
> isn't workin'. My internal network is 125.125.125.xxx Can anyone help 
> me also? Thanks.
> -
> Hi all
> Please forgive me but I have got my COD server running and it seems 
> ok. It
> has resolving to blaa blaa and looks ok.
> But I cannot connect, I have a internal network running on 
> etc
> but how can I check that its bonding to the external number?
> Sorry if this seems simple but maybe its just late. I have setup a 
> ut2003,
> sof2, ut, star wars, etc server with no trouble...But this ones really 
> doing
> my head in.
> Any thoughts would be great :)
> mnj
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
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And more of the same -running ipcop with iptables - opened 28960 20500 
20510 going both ways. Etherereal shows both my puter on
and codauthorize.activision.com talking to each other but thats it. The 
server shows up in the browse lan mode but not in the internet. When I 
connect on the lan I just get CD authorization wait. Groan. Hope I don't 
have to put 2 nics into the router(therefore 2 ips). Any others having 
similiar probs?


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