Server help Please

Macris, TheodorX N theodorx.n.macris at
Fri Nov 21 21:10:44 EST 2003

Im just getting this running and it seems real similar to my SoF2
servers, but it is hanging I think. This is what I get (and then it
justs sits there) I am still checking on the status of port 28960 (do I
need this if I run the game on port 20110?)):

#--#./cod_lnxded +set net_port 20110 +exec server.cfg

COD MP 1.1 build linux-i386 Nov 13 2003
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/home/cod/main/pak6.pk3 (3 files)
/home/cod/main/pak5.pk3 (4858 files)
/home/cod/main/pak4.pk3 (1668 files)
/home/cod/main/pak3.pk3 (1992 files)
/home/cod/main/pak2.pk3 (694 files)
/home/cod/main/pak1.pk3 (2642 files)
/home/cod/main/pak0.pk3 (12828 files)
/home/cod/main/localized_english_pak1.pk3 (3736 files)
/home/cod/main/localized_english_pak0.pk3 (1204 files)
File Handles:
29625 files in pk3 files
execing default_mp.cfg
couldn't exec language.cfg
couldn't exec config_mp_server.cfg
couldn't exec autoexec_mp.cfg
Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
Opening IP socket: localhost:20110
Alias: pdxllc
--- Common Initialization Complete ---
Started tty console (use +set ttycon 0 to disable)
execing server.cfg

Netstat returns this. I am running on port 20110.:
Active Internet connections (servers and established)
Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address
State udp        0      0 *:20110                 *:*

If I then type 
#map mp_chateau
I get this

Hunk_Clear: reset the hunk ok
----- FS_Startup -----
Current search path:
/home/cod/main/pak6.pk3 (3 files)
/home/cod/main/pak5.pk3 (4858 files)
/home/cod/main/pak4.pk3 (1668 files)
/home/cod/main/pak3.pk3 (1992 files)
/home/cod/main/pak2.pk3 (694 files)
/home/cod/main/pak1.pk3 (2642 files)
/home/cod/main/pak0.pk3 (12828 files)
/home/cod/main/localized_english_pak1.pk3 (3736 files)
/home/cod/main/localized_english_pak0.pk3 (1204 files)
File Handles:
29625 files in pk3 files
Sys_LoadDll(/home/cod/.callofduty/main/ failed
Sys_LoadDll(/home/cod/main/ ok
Sys_LoadDll(game) found **vmMain** at  0x40970dd4  
Sys_LoadDll(game) succeeded!
------- Game Initialization -------
gamename: main
gamedate: Nov 13 2003
0 teams with 0 entities
Hitch warning: 4280 msec frame time
Resolving resolved to
Sending heartbeat to

So, now the game IS running and I can connect to it via IP, but not via
the server browser. Help on any of these issues would be great.
1. why isn't map being loaded automatically.
2. why no master server listing.
3. does anyone have a complete list of the ports needed

[cod at pdxllc cod]$ cat server.cfg 
seta sv_hostname "{LLC}WestCoast" // name of your server as listed in
the in game browser
seta g_privatepassword "" // set your private password here, works with
seta rconPassword "" // set your rcon password 
seta g_log "server.log" // what you wish to name your log file
seta protocol "1" 
seta sv_pure "1"  // pure servers, will not allow anyone to play on your
server with custom pk3 files loaded into their main dir.
seta g_logsync "0" 
seta sv_gamespy "1" // 1 = your server will be listed on gamespy 0 =
your server will not be listed on gamespy
seta sv_floodprotect "1" 
seta g_forceteamspectate "1" 
seta sv_invulnerabletime "3" 
seta g_teamkillwarn "3" // number of team kills before a warning is
seta g_teamkillkick "5"  // number of team kills before client is kicked
seta g_teamswitchdelay "10" 
seta sv_maxping "250" // max ping a client can have to connect to yoru
server, only checked when client is joining
seta sv_maxrate "10000" // bandwidth your server is allowing for each
client. Please see other guide on how to calculate this
seta scr_motd "HTTP://WWW.LLC-OPS.NET" // this will be displayed on the
server menu when clients join
seta sv_maxclients "20" // Max number of players 
seta sv_privateclients "2" // leave blank unless you wish to have
private clients on your server.
seta g_password ""  // game password if you want a private server
seta g_allowvote "0" 
//General Game Default Deion 
seta scr_allow_bar "1" //0 - disable weapon 1 - enable weapon 
seta scr_allow_bren "1" 
seta scr_allow_enfield "1" 
seta scr_allow_fg42 "1" 
seta scr_allow_kar98k "1" 
seta scr_allow_kar98ksniper "1" 
seta scr_allow_m1carbine "1" 
seta scr_allow_m1garand "1" 
seta scr_allow_mp40 "1" 
seta scr_allow_mp44 "1" 
seta scr_allow_nagant "1" 
seta scr_allow_nagantsniper "1" 
seta scr_allow_panzerfaust "0" 
seta scr_allow_ppsh "1" 
seta scr_allow_springfield "1" 
seta scr_allow_sten "1" 
seta scr_allow_thompson "1" 
seta scr_allow_vote "0" //Allow call voting 
seta scr_drawfriend "1" //Draws a team icon over teammates 
seta scr_forcerespawn "0" //Force respawning - DM & TDM 
seta scr_friendlyfire "2" //0 - off 1 - on 2 - reflect damage 
//Behind Enemy Lines Default Deion 
seta scr_bel_alivepointtime "10" //Number of seconds to get a point for
staying alive as allied 
seta scr_bel_scorelimit "50" //Map score limit 
seta scr_bel_timelimit "20" //Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440 
//Deathmatch Default Deion 
seta scr_dm_scorelimit "250" //Map score limit 
seta scr_dm_timelimit "20" //Map time limit - 0 to 1440, in minutes 
//Retrieval Default Deion 
seta scr_re_graceperiod "15" //Time at round start where spawning and
weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 in seconds 
seta scr_re_roundlength "10" //Map round length in minutes 
seta scr_re_roundlimit "5" //Max Number of round wins per map 
seta scr_re_scorelimit "0" //Map score limit 
seta scr_re_showcarrier "0" //Show the objective carrier on compass 
seta scr_re_timelimit "15" //Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440 
//Search and Destroy Default Deion 
seta scr_sd_graceperiod "15" //Time at round start where spawning and
weapon choosing is still allowed, 0 - 60 seconds 
seta scr_sd_roundlength "10" //round length 
seta scr_sd_roundlimit "5" //Max Number of round wins per map 
seta scr_sd_scorelimit "0" //Map team score limit per map 
seta scr_sd_timelimit "15" //Map time limit, in minutes - 0 to 1440 
//Team Deathmatch Default Deion 
seta scr_tdm_scorelimit "300" //Map score limit 
seta scr_tdm_timelimit "25" 
//  Map Rotation
set sv_mapRotation "gametype sd map mp_brecourt gametype sd map
mp_carentan gametype sd map mp_dawnville gametype sd map mp_depot
gametype sd map mp_harbor gametype sd map mp_hurtgen gametype sd map
mp_pavlov gametype sd map mp_railyard gametype sd map mp_rocket "
set sv_mapRotationCurrentmap "mp_brecourt "

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