[aquaria] Fix in "SoundManager.cpp" to Avoid Crash (Windows Build) on SoundCore::system->init

Andrew Church achurch+aquaria at achurch.org
Sat Feb 19 12:02:12 EST 2011

>On a Windows build, see below for a fix if you are experiencing crashes when
>result = SoundCore::system->init(channels, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0);

Actually, I suspect the problem is that the current code doesn't
explicitly request the proper number of channels from OpenAL.  I've
committed a fix in my repository (http://achurch.org/cgi-bin/hg/aquaria)
on the new branch openal-channel-count-fix, which at least doesn't break
sound on Linux and may fix the problems with Windows (untested).

  --Andrew Church
    achurch at achurch.org

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