[aquaria] Linux packaging

Ray Rashif schivmeister at gmail.com
Mon Jun 14 12:04:06 EDT 2010

On 14 June 2010 05:22, Peter De Wachter <pdewacht at gmail.com> wrote:
> Op Sun, 13 Jun 2010 17:04:29 -0500
> schreef Jordi Gutiérrez Hermoso <jordigh at gmail.com>:
>> On 13 June 2010 16:51, Peter De Wachter <pdewacht at gmail.com> wrote:
>> > Also, if somebody packages Aquaria for a Linux distribution, the
>> > first thing they're going to do is to make it use the system lua
>> > library.
>> I was getting enthusiastic about packaging this for Debian (and hence
>> Ubuntu), which is kinda the first reason I signed to this mailing
>> list, but now I'm not sure how to do it without game data. Since the
>> data isn't even redistributable, how would a packaging work? Do you
>> have something in mind? From what I can tell in the source, the game
>> data has to be in the same directory as the binary, so it could create
>> an awkward packaging.
> Heh, I'm a Debian guy as well :) Don't forget to file an ITP if you're
> planning to make a package. And you might want to join the Debian Games
> Team, you'll find people who've dealt with these kind of problems.
> (http://wiki.debian.org/Games/Development)
> In this case, the easiest way (from a packager's point of view) would be
> to make Aquaria look in a fixed location and to tell the user to install
> the game data there. But Andrew's solution is nicer.

I don't think a binary is possible in Aquaria's case. You can have a
soure RPM/DEB and require a certain package which will in turn be
built by having the data in the working directory (thus made by the
user). This is far easier on distributions that have source-based
trees. For example, any build for Arch Linux will always remain in the
source-based user repository


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