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(Hendersa is not engaged. Stop sending him congratulations and condolences.
--The McManagement.)
If I knew that updating a .plan file was this entertaining, I would have started doing semi-regular updates a long time ago. Oh well. My web space is located at http://nuthouse.org/~hendersa and I can be reached via e-mail at hendersa@icculus.org. Archived .plan entries can be seen at http://nuthouse.org/~hendersa/finger. ******************************************** *09 May 2002 - Egad! It's been that long??* ******************************************** Boy, it has been a while since I gave you fine folks an update, hasn't it? I've been running around like mad as of late, but the overwhelming amount of stuff I have been taking care of is starting to reduce. This means that I'll have more time to write .plan updates, which means that we all win. You get more timely updates, and I won't get such a large number of e-mails in my inbox that say things like "MAEK WITH TEH FUNNAY SMAERTY-MAN". So anywho, hang in there. I'm hoping to have a major update soon-ish, since I'll have some time in the next few days to actually write the darn thing. Now is the time to make your voices heard, folks... do you want to hear how the wedding from hell turned out, or do you want to hear about rifles, ROTC, and police? Maybe something new? It's your call... I only write the stuff. Give me a shout at hendersa@icculus.org and let me know. Whichever idea gets the most votes by, say, Saturday afternoon or so gets first dibs on an update. The general plan from here on out is one .plan update with a story every two weeks or so. That should keep everyone happy while allowing me plenty of time to write the thing here and there as time permits. On other fronts, life in general is on a bit of an upswing. My new job is working out really well, and that whole damn mess with Loki is pretty much over and done with. The general turmoil has calmed down to a dull roar, and I can finally get back to all those projects that I have put on hold. You know... projects like my arcade cabinet, learning Japanese Hiragana and Katakana, and working on that whole "wife and kids" thing.Next update: Something good. And big. Make your vote count! Well, it looks like the "wife" part is pretty much under control.
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