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A 64-bit native version of UT2004 for GNU/Linux on the amd64 is now available. This includes both the dedicated server and the 3D graphical client.
Some notes:
Getting ut2004/linux64:
With thanks to Brad House and Jon Portnoy, this demo is already in the Gentoo portage system. Gentoo/amd64 users can just run "emerge ut2004-demo" to get it. I've been told this works for 32-bit users, too.
More to the point, those outside of Gentoo can benefit from this, too, since the portage mirrors rapidly distribute the original package between lots of high-bandwidth servers around the world.
So, find a mirror, and grab "/distfiles/ut2004-lnx64-demo-3120.run.bz2" on that server to get the file. (UPDATE: fixed filename. Whoops.)
Those that want a mirror listed here, please mail me after pulling the file down from another mirror and I'll list it here.
Some more direct mirrors:
Have fun!
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