Modern Weapons List
Weapon Sub-Area WP S DT Damage Capacity ROF Cost
Budget Arms C-13 Light Pistols 2 4 Pierce d6 8 shots 2 75
Dai Lung Cybermag 15 Light Pistols 2 4 Pierce d6+1 10 shots 2 50
Federated Arms X-22 Light Pistols 3 4 Pierce d6+1 10 shots 2 150
Militech Arms Avenger Medium Pistols 3 5 Pierce 2d6+1 10 shots 2 250
Dai Lung Streetmaster Medium Pistols 3 5 Pierce 2d6+3 12 shots 2 250
Federated Arms X-9mm Medium Pistols 3 5 Pierce 2d6+1 12 shots 2 300
BudgetArms Auto 3 Heavy Pistols 2 6 Pierce 3d6 8 shots 2 350
Sternmeyer Type 35 Heavy Pistols 3 6 Pierce 3d6 8 shots 2 400
Armalite 44 V. Heavy Pistols 3 7 Pierce 4d6+1 8 shots 1 450
Colt AMT Model 2000 V. Heavy Pistols 3 7 Pierce 4d6+1 8 shots 1 500
Uzi Miniauto 9 Light SMG 4 5 Pierce 2d6+1 30 shots 1/3/35 475
H&K MP-2013 Light SMG 4 5 Pierce 2d6+3 35 shots 1/3/32 450
Fed Arms Tech Assault II Light SMG 4 5 Pierce d6+1 50 shots 1/3/25 450
Arasaka Minami 10 Medium SMG 3 6 Pierce 2d6+3 40 shots 1/3/20 500
H&K MPK-9 Medium SMG 4 6 Pierce 2d6+1 35 shots 1/3/25 520
Sternmeyer SMG 21 Heavy SMG 2 7 Pierce 3d6 30 shots 1/3/15 500
H&K MPK-11 Heavy SMG 3 7 Pierce 4d6+1 30 shots 1/3/20 700
Ingram MAC 14 Heavy SMG 0 7 Pierce 4d6+1 20 shots 1/3/10 650
Militech Ronin Light
Assault Assault Rifle 4 6 Pierce 5d6 35 shots 1/3/30 450
AKR-20 Medium Assault Assault Rifle 3 7 Pierce 5d6 30 shots 1/3/30 500
FN-RAL Hvy. Assault Assault Rifle 2 8 Pierce 6d6+2 30 shots 1/3/30 600
Kalishnikov A-80 Hvy. Assault Rifle 2 8 Pierce 6d6+2 35 shots 1/3/25 550
Arasaka Rapid Assault 12 Shotgun 2 6 Pierce 4d6 20 shots 1/10 900
Sternmeyer Stakeout 10 Shotgun 0 6 Pierce 4d6 10 shots 2 450
Barrett-Arasaka Light
20mm^1 Auto Cannon 3 8 Pierce 4d10 10 shots 1 2,000
Scorpion 16 Missile
Launcher Missile Lnchr 2 10 Impact 7d10^2 1 shot 1 3,000
Militech Arms RPG-A Grenade Lnchr 0 8 Impact 6d10^2 1 shot 1 1,500
Grenade, Fragmentation Grenades 3 6 Piercing 7d6^2 Single 1 30
Grenade, Incendiary Grenades 3 6 Fire^3 4d6^2 Single 1 30
Grenade, Stun Grenades 3 6 Stun 7d6^2 Single 1 30
Grenade, Dazzle Grenades 3 6 Dazing ^2^4 Single 1 30
Grenade, Sonic Grenades 3 6 Stun 5d6^2^5 Single 1 30
Grenade, Gas^6 Grenades 3 6 by type by type Single 1 30
Grenade Launcher Grenade Lnchr 3 7 by type by type Single 1 30
C-6 Plastic Explosive Demolition - - Impact 8d10^2 1 kilogram - 100
Mine (all types) Demolition - - Impact 4d10^2 1 mine - 350 K-A F-253
Flame-thrower Exotics 0 9 Fire^3 2d10 10 shots 1 1,500
Techtronica 15
Microwaver Exotics 3 6 Impact 1d6^7 10 shots 2 400
Militech Laser Cannon Exotics 3 5 Fire^8 1-5d6 10 chrgs*3 2 8,000
Avante P-1135 Needle Gun Medium Pistols 3 5 Pierce by 15 shots 2 200
Enertex AKM Power Squirt Light Pistols 0 4 Special*1 by drug 50 shots 1 15
Nelspot "Wombat" Medium Pistols 2 6 Special*1 by drug 20 shots 2 200
Militech Electronics
Taser Exotics 2 7 Stun*2 4d6 10 chrgs 1 60
Weapons Sub-Area WP S DT Damage Reach PMPow Cost
Kendachi Monoknife^1(x2) Knife 5 2 Cut 2d6 1 - 200
Kendachi Monokatana^1(x2) One-Handed Swd 7 4 Cut 4d6 2 12 600
Chainsawþ1(x2) Chainsaw 0 9 Cut 4d6 2 13 60 SPM-1
Battleglove HTH,Lethal,Hnd 0 3 Blunt/Constrict 3d6/2d6 1 - 900
^1 indicates that the weapon negates armor equal to 5, or its WP, whichever is higher. There can be a multiplier attached.
^2 this weapon has a blast radius equal to its number of damage dice in meters (i.e. 7d10 is 7 meters), and the damage decreases by one die per meter from the point of impact. Damage is multiplied by a d3 exposure rating, averaged armor..
^3 this weapon does continuous damage for d6 CTs, or until extinguished. No roll for hit location is required, instead use overall averaged armor to determine protection.
^4 this weapon has a 5 meter blast radius, and causes dazing unless a check vs. PNCap can be made. The DR depends on how close to the impact point the target is. At the center the check is at "Very Difficult", and decreases by one DR per one meter out. The dazing lasts for d6 CTs.
^5 in addition, this weapon causes deafness for an equal number of CTs.
^6 the exact nature of the poison is upto GM discretion, usually about a STR 20 poison.
^7 shorts out a randomly selected piece of cyberware for d3 BTs, ATs if a special success, unless the cyberware is proofed against such attacks.
^8 use fire armor to determine protection, although damage is actually intensified light. Half the protection, however.
^9 does no actual damage but must first penetrate armor. Armor penetration is 4d6, work out as per normal damage rules, but does not inflict any actual damage. After all factoring has been completed, if any damage gets through the armor then the needle has succeeded in piercing the skin.
*1 this attack automatically succeed against unarmored locations. An armored location automatically saves unless the severity roll comes up as Super- or Ultra-Vital.
*2 use electrical armor to determine protection.
*3 this weapon uses up charges at the rate of one per die of damage.
Ammunition and Options
Ammunition Cost
Light Pistol, Light SMG (box of 100)^ 15
Medium Pistol, Medium SMG (box of 50)^ 15
Heavy Pistol, Heavy SMG (box of 50)^ 18
Very Heavy Pistol (box of 50)^ 20
Assault Rifle (box of 100)^ 40
Shotgun (box of 12)^* 15
20mm Cannon Round (1) 25
Airgun Pellets (box of 100) 6
Needlegun Rounds (box of 50) 25
Flamethrower Reload 50
Macro Missile Reload (4 missiles) 100
Options Cost
Silencer 100
Holster 20
Shoulder Sling 5
^ Armor Piercing rounds cost three times the normal costs, and negate 5 points of armor, or the weapon's WP, whichever is higher.
* Armor piercing rounds are solid slug.
Ranges on Firearms
Weapon Type Point Blank Short Medium Long Extreme
Pistols (any) 1-5 6-12 13-25 26-50 51-100
Light SMGs 1-10 11-35 36-75 76-150 151-300
Med. & Hvy. SMGs 1-25 26-50 51-100 101-200 201-400
Assault Rifles 1-25 26-100 101-200 201-400 401-800
Shotguns 1-5 6-12 13-25 26-50 51-100
20mm Cannons - 1-100 101-225 226-450 451-900
Missile Launchers - 1-250 251-500 501-1000 1001-2000
Grenade Launchers - 1-100 101-500 501-750 751-1500
Flamethrowers 1-5 6-12 13-25 36-50 51-100
Microwavers 1 2-5 6-10 11-20 21-40
Lasers 1-10 11-50 51-100 101-200 201-400
Needleguns 1-5 6-10 11-20 21-40 41-80
Squirtguns 1 2 3-5 6-10 11-20
Airgun 1-5 6-10 11-20 21-40 41-80
Taser 1 2 3-5 6-10 11-20