Lizard Men:

Base Scheme (+/- 2D6+3):

M     39              P    100             S     50
MM    24              PM    50             SM    25
MMCap  8              PMCap 20             SMCap 10
MMPow  8              PMPow 15             SMPow 10
MMSpd  8              PMSpd 15             SMSpd  5
MR    15              PN    50             SP    25
MRCap  5              PNCap 20             SPCap 10
MRPow  5              PNPow 15             SPPow 10
MRSpd  5              PNSpd 15             SPSpd  5

Notes: Lizard men are an apparent crossbreed of men and lizards of some sort (quite possibly alligators), although some think they may also have evolved naturally in the swamps. Their culture is extremely primitive, as are their weapons (wooden clubs, decorated with feathers, stone axes). Any villages of these would include at least one shaman or witchdoctor, and quite possibly more than one.

Physical Description: Lizard men are heavily-muscled, reptilian-skinned humanoids, their faces resembling a slightly humanized alligator's. They rarely wear anything, except religious dressings and indications of war spirit (such as trophies from fallen foes).

Joss Factors: 0
Prime K/S Areas:
Combat, Hand Weapons 35
Combat, Missile Weapons 30
Swimming/Diving: 45
Criminal Activities, Physical (AMBUSH): 30
Move: 72 yards/BT
Possessions/Resources: None
Quirks: amphibians
Weapons & Armor: Club, spear, or stone axe, natural armor.

Area   Pierce  Cut  Blunt  Fire  Chem.  Stun  Elec.
Ultra    16     16    16     8     8     16    --
Super    12     12    12     6     6     12    --
Vital     8      8     8     4     4      8    --
Non       4      4     4     2     2      4    --
Average  10     10    10     5     5     10    --

(I know these values seem a little high, but they worked for me, and impressed the HP's with how tough these critter's hides were To be precise, it's double the orc's, with some protection against Fire and Chemicals due to the thickness of the skin)

Susceptibilities: Normal

For shamans, double the M and S various attributes, but knock the
P attributes down by about 30%.
For really experienced warriors, bump the P attributes up to 20 each.
For a chief, double M and S attributes, and bump P attributes to about
20 (unless for some reason he's ill).

Created by: Mike Phillips,