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3166 feed generation needs performance improvement
3306 feed returns invalid last-modified header
*** 33,48 ****
import cStringIO
import datetime
import httplib
import os
import rfc822
import time
import urllib
import xml.dom.minidom as xmini
from pkg.misc import get_rel_path, get_res_path
! import pkg.catalog as catalog
import pkg.fmri as fmri
import pkg.Uuid25 as uuid
MIME_TYPE = 'application/atom+xml'
CACHE_FILENAME = "feed.xml"
--- 33,49 ----
import cStringIO
import datetime
import httplib
import os
import rfc822
+ import sys
import time
import urllib
import xml.dom.minidom as xmini
from pkg.misc import get_rel_path, get_res_path
! import pkg.server.catalog as catalog
import pkg.fmri as fmri
import pkg.Uuid25 as uuid
MIME_TYPE = 'application/atom+xml'
CACHE_FILENAME = "feed.xml"
*** 199,209 ****
"-": ["Removed", "%s was removed from the repository."],
"U": ["Updated", "%s, an update to an existing package, was added to "
"the repository."]
! def add_transaction(request, scfg, rcfg, doc, feed, txn):
"""Each transaction is an entry. We have non-trivial content, so we
can omit summary elements.
e = doc.createElement("entry")
--- 200,210 ----
"-": ["Removed", "%s was removed from the repository."],
"U": ["Updated", "%s, an update to an existing package, was added to "
"the repository."]
! def add_transaction(request, scfg, rcfg, doc, feed, txn, fmris):
"""Each transaction is an entry. We have non-trivial content, so we
can omit summary elements.
e = doc.createElement("entry")
*** 227,244 ****
# non-well-formed document.)
op_title = "Unknown Operation"
op_content = "%s was changed in the repository."
if txn["operation"] == "+":
- c = scfg.updatelog.catalog
# Get all FMRIs matching the current FMRI's package name.
! matches = catalog.extract_matching_fmris(c.fmris(),
! f.get_name(), matcher=fmri.exact_name_match)
! if len(matches) > 1:
! # Get the oldest fmri (it's the last entry).
! of = matches[-1]
# If the current fmri isn't the oldest one, then this
# is an update to the package.
if f != of:
# If there is more than one matching FMRI, and
--- 228,242 ----
# non-well-formed document.)
op_title = "Unknown Operation"
op_content = "%s was changed in the repository."
if txn["operation"] == "+":
# Get all FMRIs matching the current FMRI's package name.
! matches = fmris[f.pkg_name]
! if len(matches["versions"]) > 1:
! # Get the oldest fmri.
! of = matches[str(matches["versions"][0])][0]
# If the current fmri isn't the oldest one, then this
# is an update to the package.
if f != of:
# If there is more than one matching FMRI, and
*** 305,317 ****
# The feed should be presented in reverse chronological order.
def compare_ul_entries(a, b):
return cmp(ults_to_ts(a["timestamp"]),
for txn in sorted(scfg.updatelog.gen_updates_as_dictionaries(feed_ts),
cmp=compare_ul_entries, reverse=True):
! add_transaction(request, scfg, rcfg, d, feed, txn)
def __get_cache_pathname(scfg):
return os.path.join(scfg.repo_root, CACHE_FILENAME)
--- 303,321 ----
# The feed should be presented in reverse chronological order.
def compare_ul_entries(a, b):
return cmp(ults_to_ts(a["timestamp"]),
+ # Get the entire catalog in the format returned by catalog.cache_fmri,
+ # so that we don't have to keep looking for possible matches.
+ fmris = {}
+ catalog.ServerCatalog.read_catalog(fmris,
+ scfg.updatelog.catalog.catalog_root)
for txn in sorted(scfg.updatelog.gen_updates_as_dictionaries(feed_ts),
cmp=compare_ul_entries, reverse=True):
! add_transaction(request, scfg, rcfg, d, feed, txn, fmris)
def __get_cache_pathname(scfg):
return os.path.join(scfg.repo_root, CACHE_FILENAME)
*** 412,423 ****
# Now that the feed has been generated, set the headers
# correctly and return it.
response.headers['Content-type'] = MIME_TYPE
! response.headers['Last-Modified'] = \
response.headers['Content-length'] = len(buf)
return buf
# If the server isn't operating in readonly mode, the
# feed can be generated and cached in inst_dir.
--- 416,429 ----
# Now that the feed has been generated, set the headers
# correctly and return it.
response.headers['Content-type'] = MIME_TYPE
! # Return the current time and date in GMT.
! response.headers['Last-Modified'] = rfc822.formatdate()
response.headers['Content-length'] = len(buf)
return buf
# If the server isn't operating in readonly mode, the
# feed can be generated and cached in inst_dir.