Finger info for

session saver does not work with firefox 1.5, use
this instead:
Dilbert is actually funny today.

I like how intec ignores e-mails to it's support line. has been doing far better than I expected, we've
managed to maintain good support for win32 and os x along with linux.

That is in addition to adding many sdl features and security fixes.

It isn't the easiest thing in the world to do, but the good coders
working on it have, and I'm incredibly happy with their work.

So I thought I should thank Timbo, Angst, and Icculus here, they deserve
kudos for their excellent work. This is in addition to many others
who have contributed with patches and kind words.

Several people have been disappointed, though generally for the wrong
reasons. One person e-mailed me to complain about the SDL support,
saying that it slowed down OpenGL (?!). I never did find out
what exactly he was smoking. However, these people are certainly
in the minority.

Also, Gentoo users can just emerge quake3, and they'll get a recent

Well, this blows.
I've been using an intec "memory expansion pak" for months.

Tonight it lost its little mind, and now a good deal of save games
are gone :/

Obviously I'd suggest nobody get a ps2 memory pak from these people.

The tactilepro is awesome:


Web version:
zakk o' the cosmos version:
zakk o' the oldskool version:

When this .plan was written: 2005-12-02 00:40:42
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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