Finger info for

---=== Random Identifying Bits ===---

Version: 3.12 (
Extension: Weapons ( [1]
GCS/S/M dpu- s+:++ a16 C++++>$ UL+++>++++ P+>++ L+++>++++$ E- W++ N- !o
K !w--- O- M-- V? PS+(+++) PE-(--) Y+ PGP++ t+@ 5? X- R++ tv+ b DI++++ D+
G e*- h! !r-- !y--(-)
[1] ma-- k F2- !X--

---=== New Stuff ===---

Finally bothered to remove all the useless stuff from this .plan, so it should
load faster. I'd personally recommend hendersa's plan if you've got some time
to kill, but you're probably here for a reason.

---=== 02/25/2002, 21:51 PST ===---

Got into a new hobby today: Googlewhacking. The premise is essentially to
search for two-word phrases that, when entered into the search engine Google,
give one result back. The official homepage is at

I've already found 3 so far: "zymurgy diphthong", "entropic zymurgy", and
"necrotizing telekinesis."

-- Late Breaking Update --

Well, not so much "late breaking" as "crap I forgot to put in the main thing
because I'm bad at remembering things like that"...

I went over to Spacefem's site ( and took the Militant
Feminist Quiz (yeah, I'm a guy, but I figured it would be good for a larf),
and ended up getting 80% somehow. Spacefem, if you'd like to explain this to
me, I'd be much obliged. :)

---=== Old Stuff ===---

A few Websites you may be interested in if you're bored enough to be reading this:

Bring back the Classic Subway Cut! ( )
The Museum of Broken Packets ( )
Fun With Jet Engines ( )
A Blast from the Linux Past ( )
The True Story of the Rocket Car ( )
The Bastard Operator From Hell Do-It-Yourself Excuse Board ( )

When this .plan was written: 2002-02-26 00:58:20
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
Powered by IcculusFinger v2.1.27
Communism works... it's the people that screw it up.