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---=== 12/4/01, 18:55 PST ===---

w00t. First day with a shell on

That is all.

---=== 12/4/01, 22:13 PST ===---

A few Websites you may be interested in if you're bored enough to be reading this:

Bring back the Classic Subway Cut! ( )
The Museum of Broken Packets ( )
Fun With Jet Engines ( )
A Blast from the Linux Past ( )
The True Story of the Rocket Car ( )
The Bastard Operator From Hell Do-It-Yourself Excuse Board ( )

---=== 12/6/01, 17:10 PST ===---

Well, couldn't think of anything better to do today, so I added some more witty remarks to my .plan; look at the bottom (right below the IcculusFinger version).

---=== 12/13/01, 22:43 PST ===---

Link for the day: an online (h|cr)acker wargame to kill your brain and deplete your reserves of caffeine:

I'm on level 13 as of yesterday, but I'm putting further advancement on hold to work on projects of less dubious importance. Real Life (tm) calls... ;)

---=== 12/14/01, 13:56 PST ===---

... but not without a few more games of Quake3. Pulled off a new one today: I rocket-jumped off the rail jump pad in Q3DM17 and landed on the floating skeleton.

Stupid Quake3 Tricks

'Til later...

---=== 12/15/01, 03:08 PST ===---

Title: Krisx must die!

I was hanging out on IRC tonight (around midnight), when a self-acclaimed l33t #4x0R named Krisx dropped by. Until I edit out all the irrelevant stuff from the log, here are a few nuggets of wisdom from the uber-l33t Krisx:

[00:08] <Krisx> i like hack in the surfase in the trojan virus then i crack the main xx//code and epson the whole astroda
[00:58] <Krisx> linux succccckkkkk
[00:58] <Krisx> iven win3.1 is bewtter
[00:58] <Krisx> linux is the shitest thing
[01:07] <Krisx> xwred1 IS A MOTHER FUCKIN DOMB DICK
[01:08] *** Krisx has quit IRC (Excess Flood)
[01:10] <Krisx> when i'll klocck you computer up and ur prosessor cona shud down

If Krisx is reading this, I have to say that you are the most amateurish, ignorant, depressing excuse for a computer user that I have ever met. As Jeffk might put it:


Update: this IRC log is now up at

---=== 12/17/01, 00:56 PST ===---

Argh... today, I had to go have brunch with my entire extended family. While the majority of them are cool people, I have a couple of *very* annoying cousins (Michelle and Colleen). I'm kinda mentally exhausted, so I'll close with this thought for the day:

Well, I don't know why I came here tonight,
I got the feeling that something ain't right.
I'm so scared in case I fall off my chair,
And I'm wondering how I'll get down the stairs.
Clowns to the left of me, jokers to the right,
Here I am, stuck in the middle with you.

-- "Stuck in the Middle with You", Stealer's Wheel

---=== 12/25/2001, 16:12 PST ===---

Merry Christmas/Hanukkah/Kwanzaa/Festivus/Feast of Maximum Occupancy to everyone out there in Internet-land.

Nothing sums up the holiday spirit like a song from this week's episode of Futurama.

In the episode, the Planet Express crew is sent to deliver letters to Santa Claus, an evil robot who goes on a rampage every X-Mas (as Christmas is called in the year 3000). Santa lives in an ice fortress on Neptune (yes, at the north pole) alongside Neptunian elves who have lost their livelihoods because nobody gets toys anymore (Santa judges everyone "naughty" to rationalize his rampage).

After the crew makes a narrow escape from Santa's fortress, they try to leave the planet, only to have their ship held there by Santa, who in the process, sinks into a pool of water (melted from ice by the ship's engines) that immediately refreezes and traps him. Bender agrees (grudgingly) to replace Santa, and the elves, while going back to work, sing this toy-making song:

(Santa's Elves) We are free and fairly sober,
With so many toys to build.
The machines are kind of tricky,
Probably someone will be killed.
But we'll gladly work for nothing,
(Fry) Which is good because we don't intend to pay.
(Everyone) The elves are back to work today.
(Elves cheer "Hooray!")

(Elves) We have just a couple hours
To make several billion gifts,
And the labor isn't easy.
(Leela) Then you'll all work triple shifts.
You can make the job go quicker,
If you turn up the controls to superspeed.
(Leela turns up a speed dial from Slow through Fast to Lucy.)
(Everyone) The elves are back on X-Mas Eve!
(Elves cheer again, weakly.)

(Leela) Though you're cold and sore and ugly,
Your pride will mask the pain.
(Fry) Let my happy smile warm your heart,
(Elf) There's a toy lodged in my brain.

(Elves) We are getting awfully tired,
And we can't work any faster,
And we're very, very sorry.
(Bender) Why, you selfish little bastards!
Do you want the kids to think that Santa's just a crummy empty-handed jerk?
(Bender kicks several elves)
Then shut your yaps and back to work!

(Elves) Now it's very nearly X-Mas,
And we did the best we could.
(Fry holds up a wooden toy soldier)
(Fry) These toy soldiers are poorly painted,
(Leela, snapping the soldier in half) And they're made from inferior wood.
(Bender, sitting in a sleigh) I should give you all a beating,
But I really have to fly.
(Evil Santa, frozen in ice) If I weren't stuck here frozen,
I'd harpoon you in the eye.
(Elves, carrying liquor flasks and bottles) Now it's back into our tenements,
To drown ourselves in rye.
(Leela, holding up a gorilla) Well, you did the best you could, I guess, and some of these gorillas are OK.
(Elves cheer things like "Hooray!" and "They're adequate!")
(Everyone) The elves have rescued X-Mas Day!

When this .plan was written: 2001-12-25 19:54:36
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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