Finger info for


  Majesty is now shipping. I wouldn't object if everyone went and
ordered a copy or two :-)
It's slashdotted as I write this, but since no one actually reads my
.plan, chances are it won't be by the time you aren't reading this.

  This is a very, very happy thing.

  Lessee, what else... Disciples 2 is underway, the semester's coming
to a close (so I might actually get to see my wife again), and I need
to figure out how to appropriately celebrate a 10 year anniversary without
half of the couple being present...


  Majesty: (gold) Now shipping!

  1.08 patch: in the hands of Someone Else

  Disciples 2 (aka Secret Porting Project 3):
  In progress, early stages

  meldrew (uploaded, 1.1, still need to set up system to host it)
  gluon (still designing, may not happen)
  ccs4x (still designing, may not happen)
  gobhan (still designing, will happen eventually)

When this .plan was written: 2003-04-25 16:31:52
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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