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Erm. Bored. I plan to, when I can be bothered, do something about my sidebar code,
which is, I reckon, pants. I plan to tell Orange they can stick their contract, because
I'm not getting as much usefullness out of this phone as I would from a new hard drive
every three months; add to that the fact that the handset is f'd, and Orange's best
offer was "hmm, you've been with us for nearly three years now, and, oh, you're still
using your original handset, hmm, I think I can authorise 20% off our over-inflated
price". Well, their 20% off loyalty deal thing still doesn't beat the marketplace price
for a new contract. The only thing I'll be sorry to lose is the everyday-50-ness of
my contract, which you just can't get anymore. I can't even find a new mobile contract
that gets you 1p/minute for calls off-peak after you've run out of free minutes.

I think generally, I'm stepping out of line, and saying "not for me, not at that cost"
on a lot of things. Maybe if I go far enough down this road, I'll go and live in a commune
and raise goats or something.


You really do have to despair when you're trying to talk techinal with a guy from the
drawing office, and he looks at something you've written on a diagram, and says
"200um, what's that? What units are they?"


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When this .plan was written: 2003-02-03 07:43:25
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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