Finger info for

How the FNA Project Works

This post has been archived.


Want to replicate my build machine? Grab a RHEL8-based OS and have a look!

"RHEL-based" OSes include RHEL for Developers, Rocky Linux, and AlmaLinux.

Your OS minimum will be "glibc 2.28+, 64-bit only".

# Update base install before doing anything else
dnf update
# Add EPEL
dnf install epel-release
crb enable
# SDL2 dependencies
dnf builddep SDL2
# All the base build tools!
dnf install bzip2 bzip2-devel chrpath clang cmake freetype-devel gcc-c++ \
    git gtk3-devel libstdc++-static libuuid-devel libvorbis-devel \
    libxml2-devel meson ninja-build ocl-icd-devel openal-soft-devel \
    opencl-headers openssl-devel patch perl-IPC-Cmd svn unix2dos zlib-static
# MinGW toolchain, not available on aarch64
dnf install mingw32-gcc-c++ mingw64-gcc-c++

# libdecor
curl -O
tar xvfj libdecor-0.2.1.tar.bz2
mkdir libdecor-0.2.1/flibitBuild
cd libdecor-0.2.1/flibitBuild
meson .. --libdir=lib -Ddemo=false
su -c 'ninja install'

# PipeWire 0.3.42 (Highest version usable with meson)
curl -O
tar xvfj pipewire-0.3.42.tar.bz2
mkdir pipewire-0.3.42/flibitBuild
cd pipewire-0.3.42/flibitBuild
meson setup .. --libdir=lib -Dsession-managers= -Dpipewire-v4l2=disabled -Dv4l2=disabled -Draop=disabled
su -c 'ninja install'

# Also:
# Configure SDL with PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/usr/local/lib/pkgconfig ./configure
# The CMake config provided by SDL2-mingw is terrible, delete the block
#  that starts with "if(NOT TARGET SDL2::SDL2)".

flibitBuild AArch64

This VM works fine on the latest Fedora. The OS installation process is the same as above, except it will be text-based rather than graphical.

# On Fedora...
dnf install qemu-system-aarch64
dnf group install --with-optional virtualization
virt-install --name rocky8_aarch64 --os-variant rhel8.10 --arch aarch64 \
    --vcpus 8 --ram 3072 \
    --disk path=/home/flibitijibibo/Programming/aarch64/rocky8-aarch64.img,format=raw,size=32 \
    --cdrom ~/Downloads/Rocky-8.10-aarch64-minimal.iso

Unity Linux Editor Fix

I keep forgetting to write this down, so I'm putting it here:

# After System.GC.Server, add "System.Globalization.Invariant": true

Wait, a "plan"?

Well, this is a .plan file, so here's my TODO. Expect nothing from it, ever.

In Progress
    Codename a l'Orange
    Closure AMD apitrace
    TBP load frame refresh

Waiting Room
        - After 3.0 :(
    Codename Edible Launch
        - Technically out but not announced
    Coding History
        - On call throughout development
    Anodyne FNA Console
        - Waiting on a handful of external things
    VVVVVV 2.5
        - Mostly staying hands-off again

When this .plan was written: 2024-06-09 19:23:54
.plan archives for this user are here (RSS here).
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