Finger info for

I had a brilliant idea for what to write in here, but I forgot what it was. In
celebration of this fact, I'm going to post my solution to Ryan's recent
programming challenge. Note that I didn't come up with the method myself, I
just think that this implementation is pretty concise and altogether nice. If
you find bugs in it don't tell me because it will hurt my feelings.


#include <cstdlib>

using namespace std;

typedef void* pointer;

typedef struct node_s
struct node_s* parent;
struct node_s* sibling;
struct node_s* child;
size_t depth;
pointer ptr;
} *callstackid;

static callstackid alloc_node ()
callstackid ret = (callstackid) malloc (sizeof (struct node_s));

if (ret == NULL)
// Tee hee
__asm__ __volatile__ ("int $3");
ret->parent = NULL;
ret->child = NULL;
ret->sibling = NULL;
ret->depth = 0;
ret->ptr = NULL;
return ret;

static callstackid root_node = NULL;

void callstack_init ()
root_node = alloc_node ();

callstackid callstack_add (pointer* ptrs, size_t count, callstackid parent = root_node, size_t depth = 0)
if (count == 0) return parent;

callstackid node = parent->child;

while (node)
if (node->child && node->child->ptr == ptrs[0])
node = node->sibling;

if (!node)
node = alloc_node();
node->parent = parent;
node->child = NULL;
node->sibling = NULL;
node->depth = depth;
node->ptr = ptrs[0];

return callstack_add (&ptrs[1], count - 1, node, depth + 1);

void callstack_doneadding (void)
// Lame.

size_t callstack_framecount (callstackid id)
return id->depth;

void callstack_get(callstackid id, pointer* ptrs)
size_t depth = id->depth;
size_t count = 0;
callstackid node = id;

while (id && id->parent)
ptrs[depth-count-1] = id->ptr;
id = id->parent;

When this .plan was written: 2004-08-06 04:41:49
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